Finding Your Biologically Appropriate Weight
~Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or physician. All information provided is for information purposes only . ~ For many of us, we have grown up with the BMI system, maybe even calculated our ideal body weight (IBW) using the countless of different formulas that can be found on the internet or even during some health classes. Some of us may have even been teased or stressed out over our BMI being in the overweight/obese categories, or that we were above our IBW. Millions of us have tried to restrict, sweat out, or diet pill our way into trying to make our body fit into one or both of these categories, or perhaps, even below those recommendations. There is a different way, and it doesn't involve scales, measurements, or even judging our bodies based on how our clothes fit. It's called a biologically appropriate weight (BAW). Your biologically appropriate weight is commonly defined as the weight the body settles at when consuming three meals and three snacks a day wi...